Welcome to the Resouce Fair!

The Substance Abuse Coalition of Douglas County (CO) welcomes you to our virtual resource fair - - we hope you find it helpful in locating just the right service at just the right time for your family or for the families that you serve.

We know that you're a smart consumer and that you'll check these resources out for yourself to make sure you find the best fit; the Substance Abuse Coalition does not endorse any particular service provider or approach.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Getting Strategic: The Coalition Six Years Later

On August 16th, the Substance Abuse Coalition of Douglas County will take a look at its past, present and future during a facilitated strategic planning session.  Interested community members and stakeholders are invited to take part in this efficient two-hour process.

Six years ago, the Substance Abuse Coalition was formed by common agreement at a community meeting hosted by the Douglas County Youth Initiative, then under the leadership of Carla Turner.  The group meets monthly and has produced events and resources such as:

> Take Back 420! - - a day of service for Douglas County kids to counter the 4/20 mythology

> Virtual Resource Fair - - an online range of substance use resources

> The Substance Abuse Service Map - - categories and contact info for local service providers

> Various town hall discussions on alcohol and drug use

It's time to revisit the mission, purpose and methodology of the Coalition and that's why the strategic planning session was called - - the group will be looking at what the Coalition has done, what the data indicates are the most pressing current needs, and what action needs to be taken in the future to make sure Douglas County is as healthy and well-functioning as possible.

Here are the details on the strategic planning session:

WHEN:  August 16th, 10 a.m. to noon

WHERE:  Highlands Ranch Sheriff's Dept. outpost, 9250 Zotos Drive (near HR Library)

FACILITATOR:  Gabrielle Frey, Executive Director of Resolution Works

The Substance Abuse Coalition of Douglas County hopes that you'll be there for this productive, fun and stimulating two hours during which we'll determine how the community will get ahead of substance use among all the people who live here - - be part of the solution!