Check out Take Back 420! - - a large-scale day of service during which our kids will reclaim April 20th as a day of giving and caring!
For too long, April 20th has been known for its sad associations with the Columbine shootings and with 420 events marinated in marijuana. It's a day off from school for our Douglas County kids, so they're gonna TAKE BACK APRIL 20th and let it be known for a massive wave of youth service at local nonprofits!
Take Back 420! is a project of the Substance Abuse Coalition of Douglas County - - we're still signing up organizations as service sites for youth volunteers on April 20th, 2012. Kids who serve 4 hours or more on that day can qualify for a random drawing for three great prizes, and their schools will be competing for.....wait for it......THE GOLDEN SHOVEL!!!!!! Oh, yeah.
So, encourage your kids and students and friends and neighbors to visit the site and sign up today to make history in Douglas County when we TAKE BACK 420!
Substance abuse treatment Center's life changing programs provide therapeutic interventions to help their wayward students, offering various methods of the comprehensive healing of their mind and emotions.